The Feb 22 program was moved to March 8, due to the weather advisory.
Spring 2015 Season
Spring 2015 Season
Programs are free and open to the public. Suggested age is third through eighth grade with accompanying adults.
The Stillwater Public Library is located at 1107 S. Duck St, Stillwater, OK (the corner of Duck and 12th Ave). Library programs are co-sponsored by the Friends of the Library and KOSU. Questions? Call 405-372-3633.
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Upcoming Programs

Teaching Computers to Predict
With Allan Axelrod, MsC, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, OSU
How much buried greenhouse gas is leaking out into our atmosphere? Learn how the EIEIO computer algorithm, along with a network of sensors and drones, may help us find out!
Higgs Boson Found! Now What?
January 25, 2015
Higgs Boson Found! Now What?
with Dr. Flera Rizatdinova, Department of Physics, OSU
On July 4, 2012 the world received big news from CERN: a new elementary particle had been discovered, the illusive Higgs boson! What does this mean for the Standard Model of particle physics? Find out what we’re looking for next with the ATLAS detector at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, and why!
February 8, 2015
Heart Health, Explosive Gas, and Mexican Mollies
With Jennifer H. Shaw, Ph.D., Department of Zoology, OSU
Regulation of hydrogen sulfide in our bodies is important to our health, but how do our cells know exactly how much to make? Find out how some special fish from Mexico can help us understand our own body chemistry!
March 8, 2015
Secrets of the Ancient Water Fleas
with Dr. Puni Jeyasingh, Department of Zoology, OSU
How might human activity affect evolution in important ecosystems? Learn what 700-year-old Daphnia eggs brought back to life have to tell us about chemical and biological change in a Minnesota lake.