Well, I can hardly believe it, but the first café is over and done with! Our guest scientist, Volcanologist Dr. Jeffrey Byrnes, was fantastic! We had a big group - all the chairs were filled. A lot of kids were there, and they asked great questions. Everybody seemed to have a great time. I debuted a song called "Volcanic Rock." The whole event was just very very cool all around.
Here are some photos, and below that I'll share some of the feedback we got from the audience.
Dr. Jeff tells us about volcanoes on other planets.

We collected feedback cards; all of them were positive. Here's what a few folks had to say:
"Thank you so much for doing this."
"Keep with it, get the word out - it's awesome"
"This is the best science thing I've ever been to."
"I loved it."
"Where can we send a thank you to the organizer and the scientist? Thanks for an awesome program!"
"I think these are a great idea!"
"Thank you for everything"
"Thank you for providing this opportunity."
I say: Thanks for coming, and you're welcome! See you all next time!